Ravenous Remediation
- Thu, Mar 27
Midnite weekend screenings happen on Friday & Saturday nights,. so please be sure to arrive on Friday and/or Saturday night by 11:45pm for seating and the screening will start after midnight.
Run Time: 69 min.
How do documentary film, data visualization, and new media digest or metabolize the instrumentalization of visual representation in the face of the extracting gaze of imperialism? Ravenous Remediation: Documentary to AI is a screening of seven moving-image works by artists engaging with the social, aesthetic, and political histories of Eurasia, in territories that comprise present-day Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan, Uzbekistan, and autonomous Russian territories such as Buryatia. Moving-image works by Aida Adilbek, Altana Ayushieva, Medina Bazargali, Nazira Karimi, and Aziza Kadyri .
A Cleveland Humanities Festival program, co-hosted by Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities, and curated by Ksenia Un, postdoctoral fellow at Case Western Reserve University.
Free screening.
Nazira Karimi, Apat, 2023. 5:27
Medina Bazargali, Aitys, 2018, 20:00
Medina Bazargali, For Your Safety Only, 2018, 14:45
Aida Adilbek, Alaqan, 2022 5:00
Altana Ayushieva, Üder Hünigui, 2023, 8:24
Altana Ayushieva, Taasy Point, 2023 10:31
Aziza Kadyri, Self-Exoticization Archives / Suzani AI, 5
For more information, see: https://case.edu/artsci/chf/node/1415